
Welcome! I'm a new Pittsburgher and mom who is untrained in both life and cooking, but that just makes them both more exciting!

Nantucket Clam Bake


My family went to Nantucket last week and it was a blast!  I'll add pictures once I combine my shots with the ones that Grandpa took, but for now I'll grace you with the pictures of Jake's clam bake.  The man was on a mission.  He wasn't going to leave that island without killing little sea creatures, and no one was going to stand in his way.  Luckily, he got the lobsters pre-cooked so I didn't have to watch them meet their boiling demise.  I would make Jake write-up a post about his clam baking endeavor, but based on past experience I know that he'll never get around to it.  He's an engineer, so the post would probably look something like:

((Onion + butter + heat) + potatoes + ((corn - husk)/2) + wine² + leftover champagne + clams) ^6 ≈ happiness 

And there would certainly be one of these ƒ and one of these ∞ in there.  Because engineers just throw random functions and symbols around to confuse the rest of us. 


I'm not really a seafood eater, and this whole pregnancy thing has made me especially sensitive to the idea of picking apart an animal carcus, so I mostly stuck to the corn and potatoes and watermelon.   The safe foods.   But everyone else loved it, and based on the lack of leftovers, it was a grand success.


Live clams and dead clams:


Nonnie helped by cutting the biggest watermelon slices of all time.  This is no camera trick.  It's a whole lotta juicy goodness.


And here's the final carnage.  See those lobsters?  Dan decided that it would be a good idea to throw the heads into the woods outside the house for the animals of Nantucket to feast on.  But he didn't really notice the fact that I was standing right next to him when he went to throw them, so I ended up covered (and by covered I mean a few drops ended up on my clothes) with disgusting lobster juice.  I almost threw up.  Jake found the whole situation hilarious.  Which led to threats of sleeping on the floor.  Luckily for him, I have a forgiving soul (ha!). 


Overall, the trip was a lot of fun and hard to come back to work from.  Nantucket was so different from what I expected.  More details on that to come...

Fresh Corn Casserole

Ice Cream Dog Treats