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Chocolate-Raspberry Tart with Graham Cracker Crust

Who is the only person you know who can browse the healthy eating website A Healthy Jalapeno and pick out one of the only unhealthy recipes to make?  This girl.  But I couldn't pass this tart up.  It just looked so tempting.  I was assigned Laura's blog for this month's Secret Recipe Club exchange and just loved everything - I'll definitely try one of her smoothies soon!  But for today I stuck with a delicious looking dessert to take to a potluck dinner at Lily's school.  I'll let you know how everyone likes it!


Chocolate-Raspberry Tart with a Graham Cracker Crust

Baking spray for the dish 1-1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs 1/3 cup melted unsalted butter 3-1/2 cups fresh raspberries 8 oz. semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped 1-1/4 cups heavy cream Small pinch salt

Heat the oven to 325°F. Spray the sides and bottom of a 9-1/2-inch fluted tart pan with a removable bottom. Put the graham crackers and butter into a food processor and pulse until crumbly.

Pour the cracker mixture into the tart pan and press the mixture into the sides and bottom of the pan with the bottom of a measuring cup or a jar.

Set the pan on a baking sheet and refrigerate for 20 minutes to firm, then bake the tart crust about 15 minutes, checking and rotating if needed to make the sure the crust doesn’t get too dark. Set on a rack to cool.

Meanwhile, push 1 cup of the berries through a fine sieve, mashing with a wooden spoon, into a medium bowl so the puree drips through; set it aside and discard the contents of the strainer.

Heat the cream over medium heat until scalding, but not quite boiling. Pour the hot cream over the chopped chocolate; whisk to blend until the chocolate is melted. Stir in the raspberry purée and the salt.

Pour the mixture into the cooled tart shell. Refrigerate until the ganache is fairly firm, about 1 hour.

Arrange the remaining raspberries on top of the ganache; they should completely cover the surface. These berries won't sink into the chocolate filling. The ganache is chilled slightly before the raspberries go on.

Chill until the ganache is completely firm, about 30 minutes, and serve.

Source: A Healthy Jalapeno
