Life & Kitchen

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North Carolina

Hi, friends!  I'm back from North Carolina where I was visiting my friend of a million years, Meghan.

Well, almost a million years.  We actually met when we were just shy of three years old and even though I moved away in 4th grade, we have stayed close through the years.  I think that it is our common love of club sandwiches that has really been the glue that has kept us together.

She took me to the beach, which clearly isn't a natural place for someone with my skin tone to be.

I was fully dressed, even wearing my shoes.  Sigh. 

I was also visiting Meghan's boyfriend, but he's a little bit camera shy so I only got pictures of him walking away.

We visited Fort Fisher (from the Civil War) which was in the most beautiful location, right in between the river and the ocean.  The ocean side had a rocky coast.

And here is the river side:

The landscape there is so unique and fascinating. 

Megh also took me on a wine factory tour, complete with tastings!  This place was in the middle of nowhere, but it happened to be in between her house and the airport, so of course we had to stop.  Here is part of the factory:

And here is Meghan after about 4 glasses of wine.  Kidding!  I will surely be forced to take this picture down as soon as she sees it.

And then it was time to fly home.  Just as soon as I arrived I had to leave again!